Below is a copy of the same document that was denied or refused as admissable evidence in the US District Court. This alone
is sufficient evidence to convict a Federal Judge on grounds of perjury and obstruction of justice.
The copyright for the Collection of Space Technology is for sale to any US Citizen who can pass a national security background
The price has been raised to
50 billion dollars USA and payment will only accepted at the bank.
In the past every time that I received a paper or hard copy if this document it was stolen from me and destroyed. So I have
embedded a copy of the document and the receipt on this page.
This document contains the original copyright for the windows program and is the original source for the concept of ecommerce.
My designs have appeared on the covers of the Smithsonian Magazine,Popular Science,The Discover Magazine and others and
I never gave my permission which is required by law,nor have I ever been paid by any of these people which is also required
by law.
Since I registered my copyrights in 1984 I have been the target and victim of over 50 attempted murders and over 500 counts
of aggravated assault with the serious intent to commit serious bodily harm and injury.
I have seen my designs on Star Trek TV series on more that one episode.
One of my designs was shown on the movie the Last Starfighter as the Gunstar.
And several more that I will add later.