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All of my copyrights display page

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This is the link that will lead to the library of Congress Copyright Office Search Form that you can use to search for the title of the Copyright you can find on the page that lists all of my Copyright Registration numbers.

Please remember that when this website was first created 2003-2004 I was recovering from an attempted murder by a very large person who tried to beat me to death over a period of several months,leaving me with severe head and eye injuries. This made it very hard to be coherent at times but I wanted to record everything while I had the chance!! I was very worried and afraid of being killed by criminals or by my brothers before I could leave a public record.
And in case you are wondering, this is not a scam or some fantasy BS-all of this is real life and really happened-the designs and copyrights are real and are still on file in the National Archive System of the Library of Congress in Washington D.C.
I made a trip to Washington DC in person to file and register my copyrights in person at the Copyright Office of the Library of Congress-you can see what a fat lot of good it did me!!
One question came to mind while I was reviewing this site to make corrections-
could the internet industry be charged in Federal Court for receiving stolen property??

Horizontal Divider 7

I am working on straightening out this page as when I first started producing the content here I was very ill and was mainly concerned with leaving a permanent record!!
I am working on making it more presentable and understandable now.

In this Collection is also contained the copyright drawing for the design for the solar powered car that won the race across Australia in the mid 1980s.
It was featured on the cover of Popular Science Magazine.
It was originally designed as a solar powered spacecraft!!

This Collection also contains the design copyright for a balloon rocket combination that was featured on the cover of Discover Magazine in the late 1980s.

this Collection also contains the original design copyright for the Babylon 5 station hull design-on a smaller scale than the original design intended.

This Collection contains the original design copyright for the Deep Space Nine station hull design and for the design of various spacecraft shown in that production including the Defiant.

This Collection also contains the Original Design Copyright for the RIB Vessel now in production worldwide by Coast Guards-Military-Harbor Patrols-Customs-and Merchant Ships!!

This Collection also contains the Original Program Design for the Interstellar and Intergalactic Navigation Program currently shown as an Astronomical Computer Depiction portrayed as the Starry Night Software Series.

This Collection also contains the Original Hull Design Copyright for the X-32 or X-33 Space Shuttle.

This Collection contains the Original Design Series for civil engineering project designs for jetties and breakwater marina harbors.

This design Copyright also contains the original design for Microsoft Windows and many of the e-commerce programs around today. So you can say that David J Ward is the creator of the concept of e-commerce that is in business today!!

1. Registration Number:    VAu-70-795 
Title:    Collection of space technology design work.
Note:    Cataloged from appl. only.
Claimant:    David J. Ward
Created:    1984
Registered:    13Jul84
Author on © Application:    blueprint material: David J. Ward.
Previous Related Version:    Appl. identifies some technological architecture as preexisting
(this refers to the power tower structure depicted in the spacecraft design but everything in this copyright is original with me as far as the actual design)

(this collection contains the copyright to the internet-as well as civil engineering project designs for jetties and breakwater marina harbors-DavidJWard)

Claim Limit:    NEW MATTER: "technical drawings."
Special Codes:   5/S

The Price offered for the original authentic copyright for the original internet basic program layout has now gone up-the price currently in effect for the lowest bid accepted is 50 billion dollars. 

Payable to David J Ward and no other.

This sale does not include transfer of copyright ownership concerning or involving designs included in the collection but is for the transfer of the copyright of ownership for the Internet Creation Design and no other.

Footnotes in parentheses are added as captions within the registration information to give explanations or corrections to data given.

the collection of space technology design work is the copyright that contains the original copyrights for the internet

Just a note-since I filed my copyrights in 1984 I have been the victim of over 50 counts of attempted murder-and the victim of over 500 counts of aggravated assault with the intent to do serious harm and injury-and treated like a crazy person who has nothing to say-so maybe you can understand why I am taking a very serious unforgiving stand concerning these cases-it has been a long drawn out battle ever since that time including every conceivable kind of financial warfare being practiced against me. To date, to the best of my knowledge, not one of the attackers over the years, was ever arrested, or even saw the inside of a courtroom for these crimes and numerous others.

Type of Work:Visual Material
Registration Number / Date:VAu000070515 / 1984-07-09
Title:Space yacht.
Notes:Cataloged from appl. only.
Copyright Claimant:David J. Ward
Date of Creation:1983
Authorship on Application:drawing: David Jonathon Ward.
Copyright Note:C.O. correspondence.

Any guesses as to one of the main inspirations for my design creation of the internet?? They say necessity is the mother of invention-I would say an extreme case of necessity existed at that time!!

{{{{the copyright for the original hull design for the gunstar from the last starfighter and for the newer hull designs for the starship enterprise and babylon 5

{{{{the copyright below-SpaceCruiser-is one of the original copyright design sections for the starship Andromeda which features the starring role played by Kevin Sorbo-I have never signed a copyright transfer document for this work-nor have any of the violators made any attempt to make amends or restitution-it is like they know that the US District Courts will not prosecute them for any crime that they commit!!

this develops into a case of discrimination as well as a class A felony violation of my civil rights-specifically the right to conduct business--own property--and to profit thereof-and is being done by both the courts and the defendants-by means of malfeasance-racketeering-extortion-criminal fraud--and the deliberate obstruction of justice-complicity by discrimination-this is being done by the US District Courts and US District Attorneys Office on a deliberate methodical basis!!

Specific markings of identification were inserted into all of my drawings and programs--these markings do not serve any purpose--they are just there to identify my works--just like the treasury department inserts markings into currency to foil would be counterfeiters-any real treasury agent or art forgery security agent can tell you that I am telling the truth-the movie producers without a shadow of a doubt have violated my copyrights--the internet is without a shadow of a doubt my original computer program!!
When do I get paid??
I need for my design work to earn for me a living!!
2. Registration Number:    VAu-70-512 
Title:    Space cruiser.
Note:    Cataloged from appl. only.
Claimant:    David J. Ward
Created:    1982
Registered:    9Jul84
Author on © Application:    drawing: David J. Ward.
Miscellaneous:    C.O. corres.
Special Codes:   5/S

2. Registration Number:    VAu-70-513 
Title:    Catamaran airboat.
Note:    Cataloged from appl. only.
Claimant:    David J. Ward
Created:    1983
Registered:    9Jul84
Author on © Application:    drawing: David J. Ward.
Miscellaneous:    C.O. corres.
Special Codes:   5/S
A work that is created (fixed in tangible form for the first time) on or after January 1, 1978, is automatically protected from the moment of its creation and is ordinarily given a term enduring for the author's life plus an additional 70 years after the author's  death--
to avoid any possible confusion-when I  applied for these copyrights-any material that I referred to was material that I was inspired by-but nothing here is copied-everything I registered was original with me
 2. Registration Number:    VAu-70-512 
Title:    Space cruiser.
Note:    Cataloged from appl. only.
Claimant:    David J. Ward
Created:    1982
Registered:    9Jul84
Author on © Application:    drawing: David J. Ward.
Miscellaneous:    C.O. corres.
Special Codes:   5/S
these design copyrights are intended to be technical drawings for blueprints-computer programs-navigation programs- and civil engineering projects-they are portrayed as merely drawings which was not my intention-however persons in the copyright office at that time put me under a lot of pressure to change the wording and intent of my application-they are still my original works--DavidJWard
 1. Registration Number:    VAu-70-514
Title:    Space jeep.
Note:    Cataloged from appl. only.
Claimant:    David J. Ward
Created:    1984
Registered:    9Jul84
Author on © Application:    drawing: David J. Ward.
Miscellaneous:    C.O. corres.
Special Codes:   5/S
6. Registration Number:    VAu-72-874 
Title:    One man interplanetary scout ship.
Note:    Cataloged from appl. only.
Claimant:    David J. Ward
Created:    1984
Registered:    9Jul84
Author on © Application:    artwork: David J. Ward.
Miscellaneous:    C.O. corres.
Special Codes:   5/S

 I am uncertain as to what the LOC means by prexisting material-but I can assure you that the content of the application drawing was original with me-DavidJWard
7. Registration Number:    VAu-73-084 
Title:    Framework of space vehicle using power line towers.
Note:    Cataloged from appl. only.
Claimant:    David J. Ward
Created:    1984
Registered:    9Jul84
Author on © Application:    blueprint drawings: David J. Ward
Previous Related Version:    Appl. identifies power line structures as preexisting material.
Claim Limit:    NEW MATTER: rocket craft design.
Miscellaneous:    C.O. corres.
Special Codes:   5/S
this was a structural concept-but the application was original with me-DavidJWard
4. Registration Number:    VAu-70-516 
Title:    Interstellar ramjet.
Note:    Cataloged from appl. only.
Claimant:    David J. Ward
Created:    1984
Registered:    9Jul84
Author on © Application:    drawing: David J. Ward.
Miscellaneous:    C.O. corres.
Special Codes:   5/S

Any guesses as to one of the main inspirations for my design creations of the internet?? They say necessity is the mother of invention-I would say an extreme case of necessity existed at that time!!

